Facilitating Online

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Facilitation is a rare and valuable skill to have. It is a service that is often used in conferences, debates, panels and tutorials, or simply where groups of people are meeting and need someone to help negotiate meaning and understanding, and to keep everyone engaged and on task.

This online course is designed to help people to access and interpret models, research, and develop professional expertise in online facilitation. Here is the course outline which includes course outcomes, assessments and a study schedule [1]

This course is part of the Otago Polytechnic Graduate Certificate of Tertiary Learning and Teaching - the course is worth 10 credits. To achieve the GCTLT, students must gain a total of 60 credits. For more information about the GCTLT, please contact Bronwyn Hegarty Email



Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg

Please note that this course is under development for 2013 in anticipation of a start date in August 2013. You are welcome to look at the information, but this may change in the new course.

During the course you will be expected to keep a reflective blog, so if you do not already have one, you may wish to set one up so you are ready to go when the course starts. There are a number of free blogging platforms available - this course recommends Blogger because it is very easy to use if you have never blogged before. However, there are other choices such as Wordpress, Typepad or Edublogs. We will also be exploring a number of online web conferencing tools so it is preferable that you either use a device with inbuilt microphone and speakers or use a headset with a computer.

Fees for facilitation and accreditation - to be announced.

If you are interested in joining the course when it runs in August 2013, please add your name, blog address and any other online contact details to the Discussion wiki page.


Announcements (Course Blog)

Failed to load RSS feed from http://facilitatingonlinecommunities.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default|short|max=5: There was a problem during the HTTP request: 400 Bad Request


Week by Week


Your Facilitator


Course Email Group

One of the ways you can keep in touch with other students is to join the course email group. Click here to join.